ETL & Data Warehouse Build to Support lms Reporting

ETL Process Development To Support Data Source Migration, Populate New Data Warehouse And Generate Client Reports


Sales Training and Content Company


MS SQL, SSIS, and Analysis Services integrated with NetDimensions and Crystal Reports

What we provided:

The data source that the client was leveraging to build reports was being decommissioned. Support was needed to transition the data, successfully identify and map the data fields from the old system to the new system. Think developed a plan to use existing source data reports and customize them to meet the needs of the customer using a variety of custom tools and processes.

The results:

Think deployed a solutions architect that designed and implemented a SQL database that would be populated with data from the new source. Think delivered the client a SQL database architected to automatically load, to the extent possible, existing data, transform that data to meet existing reporting needs, and serve that data via Crystal Reports to the client’s external customers. This database was scalable so that as new customers were added to the source data, minimal work will be necessary to load, transform, and serve that data to the Crystal Reports administrator. The database is also extendable so that new features and functionality could be added as needed.

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